Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Insomniacs by Karina Wolf

The Insomniacs is an adorable picture book for reluctant sleepers.

"The Insomniacs" by Karina Wolf and illustrated by The Brothers Hilts is a lovely picture book about a family who just couldn't go to sleep. In the beginning, they were like a normal family and slept at night.
But when Mrs. Insomniac gets a new job twelve time zones away, things change. The whole family finds that they simply cannot fall asleep at night.
They try everything. Warm milk, meditation, hot baths, crossword puzzles -- nothing helps. When searching for advice from bears (after all, bears sleep all winter, they must know some good sleep secrets), they notice that the night is full of life.
Bats, foxes, reindeer, owls, rabbits, and others enjoy the night. The Insomniacs decide to give it a try.

Read the whole review at: picture book for the child who doesn't want to sleep -- or for any child!